Saturday, July 30, 2011

History of my Arm

This is me when i was still 'i guess' 2 years old. Back in the days, when my Lola was baby sitting me, she was holding me while I was standing in the terrace and suddenly something caught her attention, and at the moment, I FELL. Now, I still bare my wrecked arm, but I never discouraged myself in to it, but instead motivating that I was so lucky, in every step I took. :)

(it looks like HellBoy's Arm, you know.. haha.. looks cool ayt? :)

Chair Wrestle

This is me with my cousin Daryll. Yeah we play a lot.. and...... ahmm....... done :)

This is me inside my Lolo Ben's owner type Jeep.According to them, I seldom play inside the jeep with my cousins because we always smell diesel when we play inside. but we did still ignore the smell and play with every stuff inside the jeepney. :) 

With Mama Esther

This is me with my Lola. This picture was taken at Malagos Garden (Philippine Eagle). My Lola is used in strolling anywhere as long as he has me in her arms. I also admire her because she Is also my best Lola. :)

Long Hair

This is me with my LONG HAIR when I was still 2 years old. According to them, I used to touch the radio component and suddenly shut it down and run away. haha! How I wish I could still grow my hair this long :)

Huhuhuhuh :(

This is me crying when my cousin took away my toy car and ran away without asking my permission. I cried and cried and cried 'til my parents hear me and get my toy back, and according to them, when my cousin returned to me my toy, he got a sucker punch right in his left eye :)) (tagam)

My very First Walk

This is me during my first walk and still 10 months old. I learned to walk all by myself but still with the guidance of my parents. I always had in mind a thought that I was able to walk because something near me caught my sight and attention, and I think its FOOD.   :D

With my Lola's

This is me with my Lola's when I was still 1 year old and this picture was taken during my 1st birthday. Both my Lola's are very caring and loving. ( didto ni sa bukid :) 

My First Haircut'e

This is me with my Grand Mother (Lola). This picture was taken during my first hair cut. My Grandmother took care for more or less 2 years because I was the 1st Grandson and she was also excited every time we take a stroll in the neighborhood and feed me with foods i want to eat. She also acted as my 2nd mother. 

Bath Mayhem

This is me during BATHTIME!!! ahahaha.... Me and my dad. He always takes me early in the morning for a bath and my father in also a caring person for he never misses a day without me taking a bath. ( Pobre man me oh, look at our C.R.)

War Cry on my 2nd Birthday

This is me when I was 2 years old and this picture was taken on my 2nd Birthday. I always tend to play with myself all the time and my mother sitting still and watching my every move. My mother sometimes acts "O.A" every time I move in a sudden and unexpected. :)

9 Months Old

This is me when I was 9 months old with my mother carrying me all the time for my mother is a very caring and loving mother. This picture was taken when i were about to have a stroll at "Philippine Eagle" Malagos, because my Aunt Bobet from Butuan City treated us to have some fun there. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My All-New Blog, Just for YOU :)

My New Blog is all about my childhood days and will surely launch its premiere soon....... haha LOL :D